
The expedition cruise ship "National Geographic Endurance"

Expeditions-Kreuzfahrtschiff National Geographic Endurance

A highlight. The new expedition cruise ship from Lindblad Expeditions was our first project, which we equipped with hammocks in February. Our team was in Norway at the Ulstein shipyard and was able to get the first impressions of this extraordinary expedition ship. Hundreds of craftsmen, specialists, technicians, electronic engineers, etc. were concentrated on getting the ship ready over the next 11 days for the official handover to the owner "Lindblad Expeditions". For us, every ship is always a new challenge. Then you are happy and well positioned if you have 11 years of experience in the cruise business. The passengers of the "National Geographic Endurance" are sure to be delighted with the ship. Finally, the group photo, with the Senior Vice President and team from Lindblad Expeditions, who were also on board.

Expedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceWorking table on the expedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic EnduranceExpedition cruise ship National Geographic Endurance

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