We have big plans for 2023

2023 haben wir uns viel vorgenommen

You make a lot of resolutions - especially at the turn of the year - and in the end you realize how little you have actually implemented. So we decided what to do for each month. In January it was our corporate design turn. Many small details have been updated, such as fonts, colors, wording and image optics. But the most massive intervention was our logo. After more than 20 years, a makeover was needed. In addition, our previous logo was often misinterpreted as "Crazy Hair" instead of "Crazy Chair". You can see what our new logo looks like here. Everything that has changed in the meantime will soon be available to read and see.

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Mein Schiff 4: Kanarische Inseln
Unsere erste Messe jedes Jahr, die BOOT Düsseldorf.

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