
Hier finden Sie unsere aktuellen Themen und News.

Crazy Chair All-WeatherEröffnung der Landesgartenschau Kamp-Lintfort wird auf den 5. Mai 2020 verschoben.

The opening of the State Horticultural Show in Kamp-Lintfort will be postponed to May 5th, 2020.

CrazyChair installed the weatherproof hammocks and hanging chairs at the Kamp-Lintfort state garden show.

CrazyCHair KidsChair hergestellt in Deutschland.

Children want to be kept busy - especially now that the motto is "stay at home"!

Most families experience at first hand what it means to reconcile home office, (small) children, duty, play and fun. We know the situation only too well, as our families also have their kindergart...

UrlaubUrlaub zu Hause

vacation at home

I'll be here then or 4 tips on how to get that holiday feeling at home. In the light of current events, we will probably spend a lot of time at home in the coming weeks. This is the best and on...

CocooningWir kennen doch alle das Gefühl der geglückten Überwindung von Angst?

We all know the feeling of successfully overcoming fear, don't we?

(sorry - long text - this shows that there is more time again) Do you still remember the first time up on the 3m board in the outdoor pool? Phew, that was high. Fear. Would you rather climb down...

CoronaWerden die Landesgartenschauen stattfinden?

Will the state garden shows take place?

The media reports almost every hour on new developments and decisions in connection with the corona virus. Public life is massively restricted, which of course also affects all trade fairs where yo...

padding-tagExpeditions-Kreuzfahrtschiff National Geographic Endurance

The expedition cruise ship "National Geographic Endurance"

A highlight. The new expedition cruise ship from Lindblad Expeditions was our first project, which we equipped with hammocks in February. Our team was in Norway at the Ulstein shipyard and was able...

Blog posts

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TUI Cruises - Mein Schiff Flotte: Hammock Safety Check

TUI Cruises - Mein Schiff Flotte: Hammock Safety Check

Die Sicherheit der Passagiere steht bei der TUI Cruises Mein Schiff Flotte an erster Stelle. Das gilt auch für die Hängematten an Bord. Wir bereits eingeplant, um mit unseren Teams an Bord alle CR...

HängematteTUI Cruises Mein Schiff 7

TUI Cruises - Mein Schiff 7

Die Kreuzfahrt-Insider wissen es schon lange: Am 14.6.2922 war Baubeginn der MS 7 auf der Meyer Werft in Turku. Die Taufpatinnen im Juni 2024 sind unsere Beachvolleyball-Olympiasiegerinnen Kira Wa...

"Die Kraft der Entspannung im Freien: Warum wetterfeste Möbel einen Unterschied machen"

"Die Kraft der Entspannung im Freien: Warum wetterfeste Möbel einen Unterschied machen"

"Die Kraft der Entspannung im Freien: Warum wetterfeste Möbel einen Unterschied machen" In unserem hektischen Alltag vergessen wir oft die Bedeutung von Pausen und Ruhe. Doch kurze Auszeiten könne...